
Showing posts from June, 2018

Sports day

This week Panthers joined the rest of the school in their houses to compete in our annual sports day. They all showed great sporting spirit and cheered on all of their housemates. I was very impressed with everyone's determination to win and how they reacted when they did and didn't win. Here are a few pictures from this great event.

Happy Father's day

As I write this, it is Father's day. The children wrote a poem last week collaboratively and I added a few lyrics and turned it into a song for our Father's day assembly. The children sang it beautifully and wanted to share it with you all. I hope you enjoy the video.  Mr Hall

A very sporty week

This week has been a very busy week for Panthers class. We have taken part in an athletics competition and a tag rugby tournament. All of the children showed excellent team spirit and cheered on their classmates. There were some stand out performances in both the athletics and tag rugby. Well done to everyone that took part.